99 年姨甥仔 Enoch 出世時送給三家姐的十字繡
每個孩子的誕生,就像一顆種子發芽 ; 每個孩子的成長,如同幼苗需要悉心呵護和培養。
在快樂中成長的孩子,他/她會找到美善。 |
A child that lives with happiness will find love and beauty. |
在鼓勵中成長的孩子,他/她會擁有自信。 |
A child that lives with encouragement learns confidence. |
在知識中成長的孩子,他/她得著知慧。 |
A child that lives with knowledge learns wisdom. |
在分享中成長的孩子,他/她樂於體恤。 |
A child that lives with sharing learns to be considerate. |
在容忍中成長的孩子,他/她待人寬容。 |
A child that lives with patience learns to be tolerant. |
在真理中成長的孩子,他/她愛好公義。 |
A child that lives with truth learns justice. |
在批評中成長的孩子,他/她學會指責。 |
A child that lives with criticism learns condemn. |
在猜疑中成長的孩子,他/她擅於欺騙。 |
A child that lives with distrust learns to be deceitful. |
在嘲諷中成長的孩子,他/她變得膽胠。 |
A child that lives with ridicule learns to be timid. |
在關懷中成長的孩子,他/她曉得去愛。 |
A child that lives with affection learns to love. |